• Mathematics

  • Algebra 1

    Course ID: S20600
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS, SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Mathematics, Grade 8 or equivalent.
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students will study linear, quadratic, and exponential functions and their related transformations, equations, and associated solutions. Students will connect functions and their associated solutions in both mathematical and real-world situations. Students will use technology to collect and explore data and analyze statistical relationships. In addition, students will study polynomials of degree one and two, radical expressions, sequences, and laws of exponents. Students will generate and solve linear systems with two equations and two variables and will create new functions through transformations.


    Course ID: S21100
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS. SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : NA
    Recommended: Algebra 1A and B

    Course Description
    :?Students will build on their knowledge and skills of mathematics to strengthen their mathematical reasoning skills in geometric contexts. Within the course, students will begin to focus on more precise terminology, symbolic representations, and the development of proofs. Students will explore concepts covering coordinate and transformational geometry; logical argument and constructions; proof and congruence; similarity, proof, and trigonometry; two- and three-dimensional figures; circles; and pr obability.

    Algebra 2

    Course ID: S20800
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS, SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 1
    Recommended: Algebra 1 A and B, Geometry A & B

    Course Description
    :?Students will broaden their knowledge of quadratic functions, exponential functions, and systems of equations. Students will study logarithmic, square root, cubic, cube root, absolute value, rational functions, and their related equations. Students will connect functions to their inverses and associated equations and solutions in both mathematical and real-world situations. In addition, students will extend their knowledge of data analysis and numeric and algebraic methods.

    Algebraic Reasoning

    Course ID: S20700
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 1 Note: This course may only be taken before Algebra 2
    Recommended: Algebra 1 A and B, Geometry A & B

    Course Description
    :?Students will broaden their knowledge of functions and relationships, including linear, quadratic, square root, rational, cubic, cube root, exponential, absolute value, and logarithmic functions. Students will study these functions through analysis and application that includes explorations of patterns and structure, number and algebraic methods, and modeling from data using tools that build to workforce and college readiness such as probes, measurement tools, and software tools, including sprea dsheets.

    Mathematical Models

    Course ID: S25100
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS, SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 1 Note: This course may only be taken before Algebra 2
    Recommended: Algebra 1 A & B, Geometry A & B

    Course Description
    :?Students learn to apply mathematics through experiences in personal finance, science, engineering, fine arts, and social sciences. Students use algebraic, graphical, and geometric reasoning to recognize patterns and structure, model information, solve problems, and communicate solutions. Students will select from tools such as physical objects; manipulatives; technology, including graphing calculators, data collection devices, and computers; and paper and pencil and from methods such as algebrai c techniques, geometric reasoning, patterns, and mental math to solve problems.


    Course ID: S22000
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS, SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 2
    Recommended: Algebra 2

    Course Description
    :?Precalculus is the preparation for calculus. This course deepens students mathematical understanding and fluency with algebra and trigonometry and extends their ability to make connections and apply concepts and procedures at higher levels. Students investigate and explore mathematical ideas, develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations, and use technology to build understanding, make connections between representations, and provide support in solving problems.


    Course ID: S24900
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 1
    Recommended: Algebra 1

    Course Description
    :?Students will broaden their knowledge of variability and statistical processes. Students will study sampling and experimentation, categorical and quantitative data, probability and random variables, inference, and bivariate data. Students will connect data and statistical processes to real-world situations. In addition, students will extend theirknowledge of data analysis.

    Advanced Quantitative Reasoning

    Course ID: S25200
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 2
    Recommended: Algebra 1

    Course Description
    :?Students will develop and apply reasoning, planning, and communication to make decisions and solve problems in applied situations involving numerical reasoning, probability, statistical analysis, finance, mathematical selection, and modeling with algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and discrete mathematics.

    College Preparatory Mathematics

    Course ID: S26260
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS, SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Classification as a senior, completion of Geometry, lack of success on Algebra 1 STAAR EOC Exam.
    Recommended: Algebra 1A & B, Geometry A & B

    Course Description
    :?This course supports students in developing skills, strategies, and reasoning needed to succeed in mathematics, including communication and appropriate use of technology, Topics covered first semester include the study of numeracy and the real number system; algebraic concepts, notation, and reasoning; quantitative relationships; mathematical models and problem solving. Topics covered second semester include a relations and functions; inequalities; algebraic expression; and equations (absolute v alue, polynomial, radical, rational) with an emphasis on linear and quadratic expressions and equations. This course counts as a 4th year of advanced math for high school graduation requirements and is recommended for students who are not yet CCMR ready.

    Stategic Learning for High School Mathematics

    Course ID:
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS, SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : scored at the did not meet on the grade 8 STAAR or the Algebra 1 EOC
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course is intended to create strategic mathematical learners from underprepared mathematics students. The basic understandings will stimulate students to think about their approach to mathematical learning. These basic understandings will include indetifying errors in the teaching and learning process, input errors, physiloogical concerns, and key cognitive skills. These essential knowledge and skills will foster a deeper understanding of the task of learning mathematical concepts. Use of personal data and statistical analysis will establish relevance and aid in creation of indiculatlize learning plans (I..L.P.'s). This course does not count as a fourth year math credit.

    Algebra 1 Honors

    Course ID: S20604
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9,10
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Mathematics, Grade 8 or equivalent
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students will study linear, quadratic, and exponential functions and their related transformations, equations, and associated solutions. Students will connect functions and their associated solutions in both mathematical and real-world situations. Students will use technology to collect and explore data and analyze statistical relationships. In addition, students will study polynomials of degree one and two, radical expressions, sequences, and laws of exponents. Students will generate and solve linear systems with two equations and two variables and will create new functions through transformations. Extra time is required on the part of the honors student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments, and completion of complex projects or labs, with complex problem solving.

    Geometry Honors

    Course ID: S21104
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 1
    Recommended: Algebra 1 Honors

    Course Description
    :?Students will build on their knowledge and skills for mathematics to strengthen their mathematical reasoning skills in geometric contexts. Within the course, students will begin to focus on more precise terminology, symbolic representations, and the development of proofs. Students will explore concepts covering coordinate and transformational geometry; logical argument and constructions; proof and congruence; similarity, proof, and trigonometry; two- and three-dimensional figures; circles; and p robability. Extra time is required on the part of thePre-AP student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments , and completion ofcomplex projects or labs, with complex problem solving .

    Algebra 2 Honors

    Course ID: S20804
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 1
    Recommended: Algebra 1 Honors

    Course Description
    :?Students will broaden their knowledge of quadratic functions, exponential functions, and systems of equations. Students will study logarithmic, square root, cubic, cube root, absolute value, rational functions, and their related equations. Students will connect functions to their inverses and associated equations and solutions in both mathematical and real-world situations. In addition, students will extend their knowledge of data analysis and numeric and algebraic methods. Extra time is require d on the part of the Pre-AP student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments , and completion of complex projects or labs, with complex problem solving. Prerequisite: Algebra 1. This course (or Algebra 2) is required for distinguished level of achievement or STEM endorsement. 2 semesters (1 credit).

    Precalculus Honors

    Course ID: S22004
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 2
    Recommended: Algebra 2 Honors

    Course Description
    :?Precalculus is the preparation for calculus. This course deepens students¡¯ mathematical understanding and fluency with algebra and trigonometry and extends their ability to make connections and apply concepts and procedures at higher levels. Students investigate and explore mathematical ideas, develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations, and use technology to build understanding, make connections between representations, and provide support in solving problems. Extra time is req uired on the part of the Pre-AP student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments, and completion of complex projects or labs, with complex problem solving.

    AP Calculus AB

    Course ID: S22305
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Pre-calculus
    Recommended: Pre-calculus Honors

    Course Description
    :?The topics of study are functions, graphs, limits, derivatives and integrals and their applications. Students work with functions represented in a variety of ways: graphical, numerical, analytical, or verbal and understand their connections. The graphing calculator is used extensively in this course. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. Stude nts will take the AP exam for this course. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide. A College Board approved syllabus is used for this course. All students will be expected to take the AP Calculus AB exam in May.

    AP Calculus BC

    Course ID: S22405
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Pre-calculus
    Recommended: Pre-calculus Honors

    Course Description
    :?This course offers the same content as Calculus AB as well as additional topics in differential and integral calculus and series. (BC topics are typically included in a two-semester sequence at the college level. The College Board assigns an AB sub score as well as a BC score to each exam for students to receive 1 or 2 semesters of college credit.) Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of pro jects or labs with complex problem solving. Students will take the AP exam for this course. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide. A College Board approved syllabus is used for this course. All students will be expected to take the AP Calculus BC exam in May. Prerequisite:

    AP Statistics

    Course ID: S24905
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 2
    Recommended: Algebra 2

    Course Description
    :?This course introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. It is equivalent to a one semester, introductory, noncalculus based college course in statistics. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. Students will take the AP exam for this course. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide.

    AP Computer Science A

    Course ID: X0030M
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?An introductory course in computer science studying the Java programming language, and is built around the development of computer programs or parts of programs that correctly solve a given problem. Includes development and analysis of algorithms, development and use of fundamental data structures, and study of standard algorithms. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of projects or labs wit h complex problem solving. Students will take the AP exam for this course. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide.

    College Algebra DUAL CREDIT

    Course ID: S2100D - TCC S2101D - TWU
    Credit: 3 semester college hours / 1.0 high school credit
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: RHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : TSI compliant in mathematics
    Recommended: TSI compliant in mathematics

    Course Description
    :?In-depth study and applications of polynomial, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions, and systems of equations using matrices. Additional topics such as sequences, series, probability, and conics may be included. Computer software materials fee charged for some sections. 1 semester. 3 semester college hours (1 high school credit). Prerequisite: TSI compliant in mathematics.

    Pre-Calculus DUAL CREDIT

    Course ID: S2200D - TCC S2201D - TWU
    Credit: 4 semester college hours / 1.0 high school credit
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : MATH-1314 or MATH-1316 with a minimum grade of C
    Recommended: MATH-1314 or MATH-1316 with a minimum grade of C

    Course Description
    :?In-depth combined study of algebra, trigonometry, and other topics for calculus readiness. Includes the study of elementary functions, both algebraic and trigonometric, their graphs and applications. These functions include polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric. 1 semester. 4 semester college hours (1 high school credit). Note: This course is not recommended for students who have Pre-calculus or Honors Pre-Calculus credit.

    Calculus 1 DUAL CREDIT

    Course ID: TWU Math 2014 HHS/RHS S22112
    Credit: 4 semester college hours/ 1 high school credit
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: RHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : MATH 1303 and 1313 or equivalent; HS Precalculus and be TSI math compliant.
    Recommended: MATH 1303 and 1313 or equivalent; HS Precalculus and be TSI math compliant.

    Course Description
    :?Analytic geometry; limits and continuity; differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions; antiderivatives; definite integrals.

    Elementary Statistics I DUAL CREDIT

    Course ID: TWU Math 1703 RHS S2491A
    Credit: 3 semester college hours /1 high school credit
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: RHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : TSI compliant in mathematics
    Recommended: TSI compliant in mathematics

    Course Description
    :?Frequency distributions; graphical representation, measures of central tendency and dispersion; normal curve; hypothesis testing/confidence intervals.

    Elementary Statistics II DUAL CREDIT

    Course ID: TWU Math 1713 RHS S2491B
    Credit: 3 semester college hours/1 high school credit
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: RHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : MATH 1703; TSI compliant in mathematics.
    Recommended: MATH 1703; TSI compliant in mathematics.

    Course Description
    :?Hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, nonparametric statistics, regression and correlation, time series, experimental design.

    Statistics and Business Decision Making

    Course ID: X20500
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course is an introduction to statistics and the application to business decision making. Students will use statistics to make business decisions.

    Accounting 2 DUAL CREDIT

    Course ID: X20710
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10,11,12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Accounting 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students use accounting tools, strategies and systems in realworld situations to maintain, monitor, control and plan the use of financial resources. Students communicate how accounting procedures affect financial statements and implement the information in assigned projects.

    Digital Electronics | (PLTW) |

    Course ID: X04890
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 1 and Geometry
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?The major focus of the DE course is to expose students to the design process of combinational and sequential logic design, teamwork, communication methods, engineering standards, and technical documentation. Utilizing the activity-projectproblem-based (APB) teaching and learning pedagogy, students will analyze, design, and build digital electronic circuits. While implementing these designs, students will continually hone their professional skills, creative abilities, and understanding of the cir cuit design process. Digital Electronics (DE) is a high school level course that is appropriate for 10th or 11th grade students interested in exploring electronics. Other than their concurrent enrollment in college preparatory mathematics and science courses, this course assumes no previous knowledge.

    Robotics 2

    Course ID: X0475A/B
    Credit: 2
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Robotics 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students will transfer academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment through implementation of the design process. Students will build prototypes or use simulation software to test their designs. Additionally, students will explore career opportunities, employer expectations, and educational needs in the robotic and automation industry.

    Engineering Mathematics

    Course ID: X04700
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 2
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students solve and model design problems. Students will use a variety of mathematical methods and models to represent and analyze problems that suggest a range of real-world engineering applications such as robotics, data acquisition, spatial applications, electrical measurement, manufacturing processes, materials engineering, mechanical drives, pneumatics, process control systems, quality control, and computer programming.

    Mathematical Applications in Agriculture Food & Natural Resources

    Course ID: X05121 X05120 BLK
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?In this course students will apply knowledge and skills related to mathematics, including algebra, geometry, and data analysis in the context of agriculture, food, and natural resources. To prepare for careers in agriculture, food, and natural resources, students must acquire technical knowledge in the discipline as well as apply academic skills in mathematics.

    Financial Mathematics

    Course ID: X20510
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Mathematics

    : Algebra 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Financial Mathematics is a course about personal money management. Students will apply critical-thinking skills to analyze personal financial decisions based on current and projected economic factors.

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