• Science

  • Biology

    Course ID: S30200
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS,SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?In Biology, students conduct field and laboratory investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical-thinking and scientific problem-solving. Topics include: structures and functions of cells and viruses; growth and development of organisms; cells, tissues, and organs; nucleic acids and genetics; biological evolution; taxonomy; metabolism and energy transfers in living organisms; living systems; homeostasis; ecosystems; and plants and the env ironment.

    Biology Honors

    Course ID: S30204
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS,SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : N/A
    Recommended: 8th Science Honors

    Course Description
    :?This course is designed as the first of a two year program to prepare students for the AP Biology exam. Honors Biology is a comprehensive study of: structures and functions of cells and viruses; growth and development of organisms; cells, tissues, and organs; nucleic acids and genetics; biological evolution; taxonomy; metabolism and energy transfers in living organisms; living systems; homeostasis; ecosystems; and plants and the environment. Extra time is required on the part of the Honors stude nt for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments, and completion of complex projects or labs with complex problem solving.

    AP Biology

    Course ID: S30205
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS,SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Biology Honors/Biology
    Recommended: Honors Chemistry

    Course Description
    :?AP Biology focuses on enduring conceptual understandings and the content that supports them. This approach enables student to spend less time on factual recall and more time on inquiry-based learning of essential concepts and the development of reasoning skills. The course will cover: the process of evolution and how it drives diversity, how biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to carry out life processes, how living systems react to information necessary for life processes, and the properties of biological systems and how they interact. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assign ments, and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving Students will take the AP exam for this course. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a


    Course ID: S30700
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS,SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Algebra I and science credit
    Recommended: Biology

    Course Description
    :?Students study matter and the changes it undergoes. Chemistry students will cover nomenclature, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, the behavior of gases, atomic history and structure, chemical bonding, nuclear fission and fusion, as well as acid-base theories. A conceptual approach will be coupled with mathematical skills necessary to solve fundamental chemistry problems. The topics revolve around societal questions and how chemistry affects daily life.

    Chemistry Honors

    Course ID: S30704
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS,
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Algebra I and science credit
    Recommended: Biology

    Course Description
    :?The first of a two year program, Honors Chemistry prepares students for the AP Chemistry exam. This course is a faster-paced with more intensive presentation of the theories and concepts studied in chemistry. Topics include scientific processes, characteristics of matter, atomic theory, bonding and covalent compounds, chemical reactions, quantifying equations, solids, liquids, and solutions, and gas laws. This course is designed for the highly motivated student and utilizes content and activitie s that stress higher level thinking skills, a rigorous, in-depth, and sophisticated laboratory based approach with accelerated concept pacing. Extra time is required on the part of the Honors student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments, and completion of complex projects or labs with complex problem solving

    AP Chemistry

    Course ID: S30705
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Algebra II or concurrent and Chemistry/Honors Chemistry
    Recommended: Algebra II or concurrent and Chemistry/Honors Chemistry

    Course Description
    :?This course is a comprehensive study of advanced chemistry. The following topics will be taught in considerable depth: atomic structure and bonding, chemical and physical properties of matter, changes in matter, rates of chemical reactions, laws of thermodynamics and intermolecular attraction. AP Chemistry promotes enduring conceptual understandings and the content that supports them. This approach enables students to spend less time on factual recall and more time on inquirybased learning of es sential concepts, and helps them develop the reasoning skills necessary to engage in the practice of science. Students will use a recommended college chemistry text. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. Students will take the AP exam for this course. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most co

    Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC)

    Course ID: S33600
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS, SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Counselor placement
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?IPC is recommended for students who need extra preparation to meet the rigors of physics and chemistry and integrates the two disciplines with a strong emphasis on calculation in: motion, waves, energy transformation, properties/changes in matter and solution chemistry.


    Course ID: S30900
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS,SHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Algebra I
    Recommended: Biology and Chemistry, Algebra II or concurrent

    Course Description
    :?This course provides students with conceptual framework, factual knowledge, analytical and scientific skills. Physics studies include: laws of motion; changes within physical systems and conservation of energy and momentum; force; thermodynamics; characteristics and behavior of waves; and quantum physics

    Physics Honors

    Course ID: S30704
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Algebra I
    Recommended: Algebra II, Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry

    Course Description
    :?This course includes intensified lab and mathematical investigation in the laws of motion, changes within physical systems, conservation of energy and momentum, electricity and magnetism, force and thermodynamics, characteristics and behavior of waves, and quantum physics. Additional emphasis is placed on mathematical relationships and problem solving skills. Extra time is required on the part of the Honors student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments, and co mpletion of complex projects or labs with complex problem solving

    AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based

    Course ID: S30905
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Geometry, Algebra II or concurrent
    Recommended: Physics or Honors Physics

    Course Description
    :?AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory collegelevel physics course that explores topics such as Newtonian mechanics (including rotational motion); work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; and introductory simple circuits. Through inquiry-based learning, students will develop scientific critical thinking and reasoning skillls. This course requires that 25 percent of the instructional time will be spent in hands-on laboratory work, with an emphasis on inquirybased investigation s that provide students with opportunities to apply the science practices. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments, and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. Students will take the AP exam for this course. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a c

    AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based

    Course ID: S30955
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Physics Honors or Physics; Pre-calculus or concurrent
    Recommended: Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry; AP Physics 1

    Course Description
    :?AP Physics 2 is the second part of a two-year course in physics and is equivalent to a second-semester college course in algebra-based physics. AP Physics 2 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course that explores topics such as fluid statics and dynamics; thermodynamics with kinetic theory; PV diagrams and probability; electrostatics; electrical circuits with capacitors; magnetic fields; electromagnetism; physical and geometric optics; and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physic s. This course requires that 25 percent of the instructional time will be spent in hands-on laboratory work, with an emphasis on inquiry-based investigations that provide students with opportunities to apply the science practices. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments, and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. Students will take the AP exam for this course. AP courses provide students

    AP Physics C: Mechanics, Electricity & Magnetism

    Course ID: S30956
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Physics 1 AP, Physics Honors or Physics; Calculus or concurrent
    Recommended: Honors Biology, Honors Chemsitry,Honors Physics

    Course Description
    :?AP Physics C is most appropriate for student anticipating careers in the engineering field. It covers mechanics, electricity, and magnetism. The mechanics portion covers kinematics; Newton¡¯s laws of motion; work, energy and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; circular motion and rotation; and oscillations and gravitation. Electricity and magnetism cov-ers electrostatics; conductors, capacitors, and dielectrics; electric circuits; magnetic fields; and electromagnetism. Students will use a recommended college physics text. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments, and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide. A College Board approved syllabus is used for each component o

    Principles of Technology

    Course ID: X05200
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : One credit of high school science and Algebra I
    Recommended: Algebra I and Geometry or concurrent

    Course Description
    :?(Physics credit) Students will conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Various systems will be described in terms of space, time, energy, and matter. Students will study a variety of topics that include laws of motion, conservation of energy, momentum, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, and characteristics and behavior of waves. Students will apply physics concepts and perform laboratory experimentations for at least 40% of instructional time using safe practices

    Aquatic Science

    Course ID: S31000
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Biology
    Recommended: Biology,Chemistry

    Course Description
    :?Components of an aquatic ecosystem; relationships among aquatic habitats and ecosystems; adaptations of aquatic organisms; changes within aquatic environments; geological phenomena and fluid dynamics effects; and origin and use of water in a watershed will be covered.

    Rocket Engineering 1

    Course ID: X0462A/B
    Credit: 2
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?If you are interested in Aeroscience and rockets, this is the class for you. During the first semester, you will build three small rockets while learning about rocket flight. During the second semester, you will work in a team to build and launch (with NASA¡¯s help) a rocket to take a one pound payload to a height of one mile. This course counts as a science credit.

    Rocket Engineering 2

    Course ID: X0464A/B
    Credit: 2
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Rocket Engineering 1
    Recommended: Rocket Engineering 1

    Course Description
    :?(Science Credit) Engineering Design and Problem Solving If you enjoyed Rocket Engineering 1 and building a rocket that reached a maximum height of one mile, you will love this class. You will be part of a team that builds a transonic rocket that breaks the speed of sound and stays under 12,500 feet.

    Engineering Science

    Course ID: X04880
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Algebra I and Biology, Chemistry, Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC), or Physics
    Recommended: Geometry

    Course Description
    :?Students explore the wide variety of careers in engineering and technology. Using activities, projects and problems, students learn how engineers use math, science, and technology in problem-solving.


    Course ID: S33500
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Biology or Counselor placement
    Recommended: Biology, Chemistry, Physics

    Course Description
    :?Students explore information about the universe; scientific theories of the evolution of the universe; characteristics and the life cycle of stars; exploration of the universe; role of the Sun in our solar system; planets; and the orientation and of the Earth.

    Environmental Systems

    Course ID: S33700
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Biology or Counselor placement
    Recommended: Biology, Chemistry, Physics

    Course Description
    :?Students discover biotic and abiotic factors in habitats; ecosystems and biomes; interrelationships among resources and an environmental system; sources and flow of energy through an environmental system; relationship between carrying capacity and changes in populations and ecosystems will be covered.

    AP Environmental Science

    Course ID: S33705
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Biology, Chemistry and Algebra I
    Recommended: Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry

    Course Description
    :?Students will examine the interrelationships of the natural world by studying earth systems, populations, land and water use, energy resources, and pollution. Students will analyze environmental issues/problems to identify risk an evaluate solutions for resolving or preventing them. This is an interdisciplinary course that includes topics such as: Meteorology, Geology, Ecology, Geography, Chemistry, Statistics, Economics and Government. This is a capstone course and is the most suitable for stud ent¡¯s senior year. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments, and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide. A College Board approved syllabus is used for this course. All students will be exp

    Anatomy and Physiology Honors

    Course ID: X04900 X04910 BCTAL
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL, HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Biology
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students explore physiological systems and associated pathologies. At least 40% of instructional time involves lab investigations, using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices. Higher order thinking is stressed through assessment and synthesis of the anatomical knowledge combined with exposure to clinical analysis.

    Forensic Science

    Course ID: X02000 X02050 BLK
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Biology, Chemestry
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students learn procedures related to crime scene, questioning, interviewing, criminal behavior characteristics, and truth detection used to solve crimes. Students collect and analyze evidence through case studies and simulated crime scenes such as fingerprint, ballistics, and blood spatter analysis.

    Medical Microbiology

    Course ID: X27901
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Biology and Chemistry
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students learn relationships of microorganisms to disease, develop knowledge related to disease prevention by learning the chain of infection, asepsis, and precautions. Pathogenic and nonpathogenic organisms are identified to assist in the understanding of diseases, causative agents and treatments.


    Course ID: X27903
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Biology, Chemistry or Biology and concurrent Chemistry
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students conduct lab investigations and fieldwork as they study disease and the effect it has on human systems. Emphasis is placed on prevention and treatment. Students will differentiate between normal and abnormal physiology.

    Food Science

    Course ID: X03800
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Three units of science, including Chemistry and Biology
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Addresses food science principles; nutrition and wellness; food technology; world food supply; managing multiple family, community and wage-earner roles; and career options in nutrition, food science and food technology. Topics include diet-related disorders, diets appropriate to life cycle, therapeutic diets, chemical and physical changes that affect food safety and sanitation standards, market research, legal issues and food policies.

    Advanced Animal Science

    Course ID: X05920 X05925 BLK X0592D Dual Credit
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : Biology and Chemistry or Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC); Algebra I and Geometry; and either Small Animal Management, Equine Science, or Livestock Production
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students acquire knowledge and skills related to animal systems and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry standards. This course examines the interrelatedness of human, scientific, and technological dimensions of livestock production. Instruction allows for the application of scientific and technological aspects of animal science.

    Advanced Plant and Soil Science

    Course ID: X05910 BLK
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: BCTAL
    Department/ Program of Study: Science

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Provides a way of learning about the natural world. Students should know how plant and soil science has influenced a vast body of knowledge, that there are still applications to be discovered, and that plant and soil science is the basis for many other fields of science. To prepare for careers in plant and soil science, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to plant and soil science and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills r egarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings.

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