• World Languages

  • French 1

    Course ID: S80100
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course is designed as an introduction to the basic structure and vocabulary of the French language. Students begin to develop skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Emphasis is placed on the development of basic vocabulary. French culture will also be introduced.

    French 2

    Course ID: S80200
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : French 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in French I. Basic structure and vocabulary from the first level will be reviewed. Students will continue to develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing as their knowledge of the language increases. Linguistic practice is conducted in a cultural context.

    French 2 Honors

    Course ID: S80204
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : French 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in French I as students continue to develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing at a more rigorous pace that may require extra time from the student. This course includes thematic vocabulary and expanded grammar concepts in a cultural and contextualized environment.

    French 3 Honors

    Course ID: S80304
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : French 2
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in French I and II. Structure and vocabulary from the previous courses will be reviewed. Students will develop more advanced skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing at a more rigorous pace that may require extra time from the student. Students are introduced to French literature and communicative skills are emphasized. This course prepares students for AP French Language and Culture as students are introduced to AP writing and literature.

    AP French Language and Culture / French 4 AP

    Course ID: S80405
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : French 3
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in French I, II, and III. Structure and vocabulary from the first courses will be reviewed. Students will continue to develop more advanced skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. French is spoken extensively in the classroom and emphasis is placed on writing. The format of the AP exam is introduced. Students are exposed to a broader spectrum of French literature and French culture. AP students prepare to take the Advanced Placement Exa m in May for possible college credit.

    Latin 1

    Course ID: S80600
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: HHS,RHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course is designed as an introduction to the basic structure and vocabulary of the Latin language. Students begin to develop skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Emphasis is placed on the development of basic vocabulary and English derivatives. Classical culture and history will also be introduced.

    Latin 2

    Course ID: S80700
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Latin 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Latin I. Basic structure and vocabulary from the first level will be reviewed. Students will continue to develop skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening as their knowledge increases. Translation of classical authors will be conducted in a cultural context, with emphasis placed on impact of classical culture on Western thought and development.

    Latin 2 Honors

    Course ID: S80704
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Latin 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Latin I. Students will continue to develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing at a more rigorous pace that may require extra time from the student. This course includes thematic vocabulary and expanded grammar concepts in cultural and contextualized environment. This course prepares students for Latin III Honors as students are introduced to AP writing and literature.

    Latin 3 Honors

    Course ID: S80804
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Latin 2
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Latin I and II. Structure and vocabulary from the first courses will be reviewed. Students will develop more advanced skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Translation of classical literature will be emphasized. This course prepares students for Latin 4 AP. Extra time is required on the part of the Honors student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of complex projects.

    Latin 4 AP

    Course ID: S80905
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 12
    Location: HHS,RHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Latin 3
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Latin I, II, and III. Structure and vocabulary from the first courses will be reviewed. Students will continue to develop more advanced skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The format of the AP exam is introduced. Students are exposed to a broader spectrum of classical literature, history, and culture. AP students prepare to take the Advanced Placement Exam in May for possible college credit.

    Spanish 1

    Course ID: S81100
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 8, 9, 10, 11
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS, Shannon
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course is designed as an introduction to the basic structure and vocabulary of the Spanish language. Students begin to develop skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Emphasis is placed on the development of basic vocabulary and grammar. Hispanic culture will also be introduced.

    Spanish 2

    Course ID: S81200
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS,RHS,BHS, Shannon
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Spanish 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Spanish I. Basic structure and vocabulary from the first level will be reviewed. Students will continue to develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing as their knowledge of the language increases. Linguistic practice is conducted in a cultural context.

    Spanish 2 Honors

    Course ID: S81204
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Spanish 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Spanish I. Students will continue to develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing at a more rigorous pace that may require extra time from the student. Extra time is required on the part of the Honors student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of complex projects.

    Spanish 3 Honors

    Course ID: S81304
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Spanish 2
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Spanish I and II. Structure and vocabulary from the first courses will be reviewed. Students will develop more advanced skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing through the use of the language in the classroom. Students are introduced to Spanish literature and communicative skills are emphasized. Extra time is required on the part of the Honors student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of complex projects.

    AP Spanish Language and Culture/Spanish 4 AP

    Course ID: S81405
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 12-Aug
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Screening and oral interview, Spanish 1 and 2
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Spanish I, II, and III. Structure and vocabulary from the first courses will be reviewed. Students will continue to develop more advanced skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Spanish is spoken extensively in the classroom and emphasis is placed on writing. The format of the AP exam is introduced. Students are exposed to a broader spectrum of Spanish literature and Hispanic culture. AP students prepare to take the Advanced Placement Exa m in May for possible college credit.

    AP Spanish Literature & Culture/Spanish 5 AP

    Course ID: S81505
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Spanish 4
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Spanish I, II, III, and IV and prepares students for Spanish Advanced Placement Exams. Structure and vocabulary from previous courses will be reviewed. Students will continue to develop more advanced skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Linguistic practice follows the format of the AP exam. Spanish is spoken exclusively in the classroom and writing assignments will be based on Spanish literature and Hispanic culture. AP students prepar e to take the Advanced Placement Exam in May for possible college credit.

    Spanish Cultures

    Course ID: S81405
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Spanish 5
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?The Spanish Cultures course allows a student who has previously taken AP V (Spanish Literature and Culture) another opportunity to interact with the material and another chance to take the AP exam. Because the level of thought/maturity is for 11th/12th graders, another year of growth/development could help them to be more successful. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of projects or labs w ith complex problem solving. Students will take the AP exam for this course. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide.

    Spanish 1 for Native Speakers

    Course ID: S81600
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course does not require that students come to class already speaking Spanish. It is, however, approached from the point of view of students who may have Spanish in their background or familiar with cultural events like quincea?eras. These students move to Spanish 2 or Spanish 2 for Native Speakers.

    Spanish 2 for Native Speakers

    Course ID: S81700
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Screening and oral interview, Spanish 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course, conducted entirely in Spanish, is for students of varying levels of ability as native speakers and are designed to improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.They also include additional linguistic and cultural elements, as well as teaching methods more appropriate for native speakers of the language.

    AP Spanish 4 (AP Spanish Language & Culture for Native Speakers)

    Course ID: S81405
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Screening and oral interview
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course, conducted entirely in Spanish, is for students with advanced levels of Spanish. Students will continue to develop more advanced skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Spanish is spoken extensively in the classroom and emphasis is placed on writing. The format of the AP exam is introduced. Students are exposed to a broader spectrum of Spanish literature and Hispanic culture. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in college in troductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge provided by such a course. All students will be expected to take the AP Spanish Literature & Culture exam in May.

    AP Spanish 5 (AP Spanish Literature & Culture for Native Speakers)

    Course ID: S81505
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Spanish Native Speakers who have passed the AP Spanish 4 Exam
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course supports the continued development of proficiency through the understanding of Spanish literature, history, and culture. Students will analyze works from the AP Spanish Literature Reading List. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge provided by such a course. All students will be expected to take the AP Spanish Literature & Culture exam in May.

    American Sign Language 1

    Course ID: S84800
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Acquiring ASL incorporates expressive and receptive communication skills. Students develop these communication skills by using knowledge of the language including: grammar, culture, communication and learning strategies, technology and content from other subject areas to socialize, to acquire and provide information, to express feelings and opinions, and to get others to adopt a course of action. While knowledge of other cultures, connections to other disciplines, comparisons between languages and cultures and community interaction all contribute to and enhance the communicative language learning experience, communication skills are the primary focus of language acquisition.

    American Sign Language 2

    Course ID: S84900
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : American Sign Language 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in ASL I. Basic structure and vocabulary from the first level will be reviewed. Students will continue to develop skills as their knowledge of the language increases.

    American Sign Language 3

    Course ID: S85000
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : American Sign Language 2
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in ASL I and II. Structure and vocabulary from the previous courses will be reviewed. Students will develop more advanced skills as their knowledge of the language increases.

    American Sign Language 4

    Course ID: S85100
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 12
    Location: RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : American Sign Language 3
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in ASL III. Structure and vocabulary from the previous courses will be reviewed. Students will develop more advanced skills as their knowledge of the language increases.

    Mandarin Chinese 1

    Course ID: S87100
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: HHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course is designed as an introduction to the basic structure and vocabulary of the Chinese language. Students begin to develop skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Emphasis is placed on the development of basic vocabulary and grammar rules for simple conversations. Chinese culture will also be introduced.

    Mandarin Chinese 2

    Course ID: S87200
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Mandarin Chinese 1
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Mandarin Chinese I. Basic structure and vocabulary from the first level will be reviewed. Students will continue to develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing as their knowledge of the language increases. Linguistic practice is conducted in a cultural context. Students will have a higher level of understanding of the Chinese language and culture.

    Mandarin Chinese 3 Honors

    Course ID: S87340
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Mandarin Chinese 2
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course builds on the skills acquired in Mandarin Chinese I and II. Structure and vocabulary from the previous courses will be reviewed. Students will develop more advanced skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing through use of the language in the classroom. Students are introduced to Chinese literature and communicative skills are emphasized. Extra time is required on the part of the Honors student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of complex projects.This course prepares students for AP Chinese Language and Culture as students are introduced to AP writing and literature.

    AP Chinese Language & Culture/AP Chinese 4

    Course ID: S87405
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 12
    Location: HHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : Mandarin Chinese 3
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course, conducted mainly in Mandarin Chinese, includes sophisticated reading assignments, advanced criticisms and analyses written in Mandarin Chinese. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge provided by such a course. All students will be expected to take the AP Chinese Language & Culture exam in May.

    Computer Science Principles AP (PLTW) *

    Course ID: X00150
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Learn the principles that underlie the science of computing and develop the thinking skills that computer scientists use. You¡¯ll work on your own and as part of a team to creatively address real-world issues using the tools and processes of computation.

    Computer Science AP A (LOTE Credit)

    Course ID: X0030L
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
    Department/ Program of Study: World Languages

    : N/A
    Recommended: Algebra 1, AP Computer Science Principles

    Course Description
    :?An introductory course in computer science studying the Java programming language, and is built around the development of computer programs or parts of programs that correctly solve a given problem. Includes development and analysis of algorithms, development and use of fundamental data structures, and study of standard algorithms. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of projects or labs wit h complex problem solving. Students will take the AP exam for this course. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide.

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